Beneficial root-associated microorganisms for sustainable agriculture is a COST Action funded by the European Union (CA22142).

Registration in now open! Training School in Methodologies to study root-microbe interactions

Toulouse 7-11 April

Mornings From 9 to 12:30h: theory sessions (plus coffee break)
Afternoon 14-17h: practical sessions
Monday, April 7 Morning: Welcome Afternoon: Presentation of trainees + Session 1
Tuesday, April 8 Morning: Session 2 Afternoon: Session 2 practical
Wed, April 9 Morning: Session 3 + Session 4 Afternoon: Session 4 practical
Thursday, April 10 Morning: Session 5 Afternoon: Session 2 (follow up) + 5 practical
Friday, April 11 Morning: Session 6 END OF TRAINING SCHOOL
Detailed program
Session 1 Sample harvesting (pots – field) (1h)
Session 2 microbe isolation (culturomics) and screens for function – rhizopheric / epiphytic / endophytic / hyphospheric microbes, dilution on solid or liquid medium, in vitro cultivable bacteria and fungi, AMF (in planta and vitro monosporal inoculation) – (geno)typing/affiliation – functional assignation (in vitro screen (-N, -P, -Fe, antibiosis, hormones…), database, genome sequencing and metabolic network reconstruction (3h) Practical: bacterial isolation, monosporal AMF inoculation, in vitro screen (3h)
Session 3 Genetic modification of microbes (bacteria) introduction of reporter genes (fluorescent or enzymatic tag, pro GUS, pro GFP…): chromosome insertion vs plasmid, bombardment, heat shock, electroporation, conjugation; loss of function mutants: recombination, CRISPR-CAS9, transposon insertions… (1.5h)
Session 4 Microscopy (bright field – fluorescent – confocal – electronic) /staining the microbes/reporter lines/immunolabeling (1.5h) Practical: staining/observation dye PGPB (DAPI, pNifH:GFP, Red FP or GFP?), life/dead rhizobia, root nodule section. Ink and other staining methods for detecting AMF, WGA AMF (3h)
Session 5 DNA and RNA extractions for metabarcoding, (meta)genomics, (meta)transcriptomics, RNA-seq, qRT-PCR. Short – vg long sequencing. Practical: DNA and RNA extraction, quality controls (2.5h) including analysis of results from practical session 2 (0.5h)
Session 6 microbe quantification during colonization: – cfu, biomass, qPCR – lipid analysis, respiration, glomalin dosage – microscopy, nodule number, nodule biomass, nitrogen fixation measurement methods (ARA and ANA) (3h)

Reimbursement of travel expenses + 130€/day of daily allowance (see Annotated Rules for details and eligible travel expenses) are available for selected participants. The selection of participants will be made on the basis of relevance to the Action objectives and on the COST policy, taking into account taking into account a balanced representation of countries, gender and age

Registration form

Please submit the following information to apply/register for the online training school

Registration open until 27 Jan. 2025


Beneficial root-associated microorganisms for sustainable agriculture is a COST Action funded by the European Commission (Grant Agreement No. 101084163).

Beneficial root-associated
for sustainable agriculture

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ROOT-BENEFIT Symposium and 2nd Annual Meeting of Root-Benefit

We are pleased to announce that registration for the ROOT-BENEFIT Symposium on “Strategies for Bridging Knowledge and Application” to be held in conjunction with the upcoming second Management Meeting at the ZALF institute in Müncheberg, Germany on 21-22 May 2025, is now open. This event will provide a valuable platform for insightful discussions, knowledge sharing, and networking among participants.