Beneficial root-associated microorganisms for sustainable agriculture is a COST Action funded by the European Union (CA22142).

The main aim » and objective of the Action is to evaluate the potential of various levers and propose strategies for the integration and improvement of the services provided by the beneficial root-associated microorganisms to agriculture. This will be achieved through the specific objectives detailed in the Technical Annex. join us »

COST Action Description

Beneficial root-associated microorganisms, including arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, nodule-inducing nitrogen-fixing rhizobia, and plant growth-promoting bacteria / fungi, are key players for crop productivity in low-inputsystems. Identification of environmental and genetic determinants controlling their interactions with crops is paramount for the development of a more sustainable agriculture, and this requires multi disciplinary research approaches. However, the research field remains fragmented and beneficial microorganism interactions with plant roots are often overlooked in agricultural management practices or in breeding programs. ROOT-BENEFIT aims to bring together, specialists of these different types of beneficial interactions working at different levels of study, together with socio-economic actors to create a networkable to: i) sum up and disseminate the current knowledge on agronomic, environmental and economic criteria characterizing the services provided by beneficial root-associated microorganisms, ii) perform meta-analyses with existing datasets, iii) identify gaps in the current knowledge and define future research priorities, iv) propose methodologies and strategies for implementing or improving crop interactions with beneficial root-associated microorganisms in agriculture, v) propose recommendations on microbial applications to inoculant producers, policy-makers and end-user farmers. Overall, ROOT-BENEFIT will strengthen the European research capacity and leadership on beneficial root-associated microorganisms,and facilitate knowledge transfer to socio-economic actors and inclusiveness towards European and Mediterranean countries.

Photo credit : Iaroslavna Fable

Areas of Expertise

  • Biological sciences: Symbiosis
  • Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries: Agriculture related to crop production, soil biology and cultivation, applied plant biology, crop protection
  • Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries: Sustainable Agriculture
  • Biological sciences: Plant biology, Botany
  • Biological sciences: Microbiology


# beneficial root microorganisms

# plant-microbe symbioses

# ecosystem services

# agriculture

Working Groups

To address the challenges, four Working

Groups (WG) have been identified.

It is required to have an e-COST profile to submit your application. If needed, create it first and then click ‘Apply’.


Functional characterization of beneficial microorganism diversity
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Molecular Mechanisms

Molecular mechanisms associated with beneficial interaction networks
more »

Ecosystem Services

Ecological and economical services provided by the root beneficial interaction networks
more »


Managing and improving beneficial interaction networks under field conditions
more »

Photo credit : Iaroslavna Fable

Beneficial root-associated microorganisms for sustainable agriculture is a COST Action funded by the European Commission (Grant Agreement No. 101084163).

Beneficial root-associated
for sustainable agriculture

Social Media Presence

developed by small studio

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ROOT-BENEFIT Symposium and 2nd Annual Meeting of Root-Benefit

We are pleased to announce that registration for the ROOT-BENEFIT Symposium on “Strategies for Bridging Knowledge and Application” to be held in conjunction with the upcoming second Management Meeting at the ZALF institute in Müncheberg, Germany on 21-22 May 2025, is now open. This event will provide a valuable platform for insightful discussions, knowledge sharing, and networking among participants.